dimanche 15 juin 2008

last day in london

well, we had our last day in london, for the free range degree show in brick lane. this morning we got up real early and took a bus to london from liverpool. we went to see the tate again. we ended up seeing on the way the skate park of the stars and watched soem kids skate in it. graffiti is legal there & it was pretty cool to see the art around there. we also sat on some oversized grass furniture for coffee. pretty good!
then we continued walking along the river and the tate art gallery had a featuring show of street art, so the outside of the building was painted by graffiti artists. then we walked across millennium bridge, and went to camden one last time.. where we ate homemade donuts & fresh-squeezed orange juice. yummy.
then we headed for brick lane & went to the show. it was really fun. there was a dj, tons of kids from school, and brick lane has tons of ethnic restaurants, and cool pubs. mhm.
i liked the old double-decker made into a romantic restaurant.

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