dimanche 1 juin 2008

leeds/birstall & liverpool

so ben & i took a train into london today to hang out with jess & her friend em. we went around carnaby street a bit & then we went to camden market. it's full of 2nd hand shops hippie stuff. pretty cool. you're allowed to haggle down prices with the shop owners. pretty awesome. we ate homemade donuts & coke. also. before we went to camden, we went to chinatown in london and had the WORST chinese ever. the sign outside said "5.95 all you can eat buffet" but it ended up costing like 20 quid. sucked. then, before we left for birstall, we hung out a bit in hyde park.. middle of london, but it feels like you're way out in the country.

there's a crazy ghost story about this mansion built in the 1500s. we looked around in it and i almost fell through the balcony. there's a picture up there of a "dummy board." i guess in the olden days, they liked to scare other people by hanging cut-outs of people around the house.. especially in the bed chamber, to scare strangers, etc. weirdos.
we're in leeds/birstall this weekend. we're staying with charlie and playing GTA & watching films. we had some good breakfast the other day and it's been raining a lot. it's been fun.
ps that's a pic of charlie as a little guy. hehe

on wednesday jess picked us up again, with gemma this time. we went and looked around liverpool. saw a bombed out church, complete with vines climbing up the insides of the walls.. but it's cool because there's nothing inside the church, but the structure of the church is totally unharmed. it was bombed by the germans in wwII. we also saw a marina of some sort, with the tate liverpool in it.. and we saw tons of boats, and then and then and then we saw loads of beatles statues, paul mccartney banners & gift shops that sold t's, keychains, & mugs with beatles faces on them. one shop had statues of the beatles above the door and paul didn't have a hand. oh man. gemma and jess took us to the cavern pub to have a drink. that's the club that the beatles semi-started out in. pretty cool. we also saw the beatles museum, and hung out by an anchor.. literally.
then we went back to jess's to have a wicked BBQ, with steaks, burgers, chicken, stir-fry, salad, pork cocktail meats.
it was crazy.
ps also.. there's a picture above of a bird on the top of a building in liverpool. well, there's actually 2 birds and legend has it, if either of the birds fly away, the city will be in certain doom. i think it's cool that they tie the birds down ha!
4 days left of UK.

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