lundi 18 février 2008

germany #2

hey, this is hamburg.
ben & i got up early and walked around town. we saw some weird statues and then went down to the "red light district" area. it's just something you have to see when you're in hamburg. and it was crazy. well not so much during the day.
i've been taking videos of my walking around europe, just little bits & pieces... and i captured {on video} some bums sleeping on the sidewalk today. that was interesting. some other hobos left their mangy dogs on the street to beg. they looked sad. i wish i had some money to give them. but maybe they were just streetwalkers. or streetsleepers. hah. ben likes the beer in germany simply because the bottles have anchors on them. i think they're pretty too.
some of the pictures on here are of the dogs, astra beer, the marking of my friendship with jordan whelan. it was breakthrough.
graffiti. germany has the best muraled graffiti in the world probably. makes other gangs jealous.
"hella naturell" water, that struck me in a funny way.
coca-cola light, essentially diet coke. but they don't have diets in europe. just light people.
lady liberty=apparently sex in hamburg.
a crazy yellow bicycle that ben said he saw last time he was in hamburg, in november. in the same place.
ben & i in mirrors, of a strip-joint i think.
bullet for my valentine's "table of rock 'n roll sin" {there was a bowl of cereal with ash in it hah}
me, eating a hamburger in hamburg.
mike church, or still remains, singing karaoke in a local "metal bar"
cool looking cabaret advert
exit sign. nice.

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