jeudi 13 mars 2008

tom is a swede

this week i went to the "second-hand superstore" which is simply a rummage sale in a church, with a very alluring title. it was a 20 minute bus ride and after we got off the bus, while walking up a hill, we saw some llamas & a really shaggy horse.
at the church, there was tons of really cool records, and some nice books. i got 3. a children's book all about music.. with a mean picture of ludwig van beethoven. and i also got a very english jane austen book, and a book from the 50s on being a good wife. ha. my main purchase was an old table to use as a desk, for a mere £5. amazing. and then my little deskie rode the bus with me back to brighton. some ladies on the bus told me i should've brought tea to serve on it. hehe. now it's in a little window nook in my bedroom. {i saw a nice cot mattress at the superstore too but i didn't get it. i thought it was pretty}

also, yesterday i received a package from my friend mandy {who's visiting me on monday..yesss} it had yummy things in it and was also filled with wrappers & trash. i thought that was funny. then, last night i went to a photography/sculpture art opening at my school (where i saw some flowers growing in a plywood box}. and went to henrietta's house to hang out before the after party. at the after party i saw pia and she got some fish i guess. it was too loud to hear the story, but they were interesting looking tiny fishies. we danced the night away and then i went to sweet sweet sleep. good time.

{real one}

this is really nice.
my friend tom sweded "the dark knight" trailer. brilliant.
in one night. a whole trailer. seriously.
yesterday i saw the movie "be kind, rewind" and it made me cry a little.

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